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Total Commander 7.56a Final от 15.01.2011 + тихая установка
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Дата: 16.01.2011, 18:24
Total Commander 7.56a Final
Файловый менеджер Total Commander с лучшими плагинами и отобранными портативными (portable) программами. Популярный файловый менеджер с практически всеми необходимыми для таких программ функциями.

Кроме всех функциональностей, характерных для файловых менеджеров, в Total Commander встроены очень удобные просмотрщики для мультимедиа и графических файлов, распаковщики ZIP, 7Z, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE и дополнительные dll для других архивных файлов; встроенный ftp-клиент, можно скачивать/закачивать файлы в несколько потоков, есть докачка, поддержка www-прокси при работе с ftp. Не будут лишними и такие функции, как UUE/MIME/XXE кодирование/декодирование и разрезка/склейка длинных файлов, а также множество других функций, крайне необходимых для работы с файлами.

Кроме самого Total Commander, есть утилиты для настройки и слежения за работой системы, видеоредактор, аудиоредактор, дефраглер, архиваторы и много других полезных мелочей...

Универсальная сборка: при минимальном весе обладает огромным количеством всевозможнейших плагинов и доп. утилит, благодаря которым этого пака хватит для решения большинства задач в повседневной жизни, а так же при настройке системы.

В эту сборку вошли более сотни плагинов.
Так же Тотал откроет очень большое количество форматов архивов (в.т.ч. игровых), даже такие редкие как uha, arc, wim, lzo, pk3.
Так же включены плагины для шифрования, стеганографии и сверх-скрывания файлов на дисках в недоступных другому софту областях.
Внутренняя гляделка картинок дружит с огромным количеством форматов.
Этот Тотал правильно работает с жесткими ссылками NTFS даже на ХР.

English. What's New in This Release:

Fixed: Support translation of shortcuts in Lister main menu (64)
Fixed: Problem with FTP downloads causing strange crashes (64)
Fixed: Menu bar not drawn correctly by Lazarus if it had a left to right gradient (64)
Fixed: Editing the current path (by clicking behind it) resulted in an empty path field on some systems (64)
Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save" only supported English characters (64)
Fixed: Command line: Various hotkeys including Ctrl+K and ENTER not working (64)
Fixed: Selecting a file with space didn't update the footer (64)
Fixed: Lister: view large image with internal viewer, switch from full size to "fit to window" and back -> vertical scrollbar was missing (64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: The speed limit wasn't loaded when the dialog was created (32/64)
Fixed: Dual screen, TC on secondary screen -> the overwrite confirmation dialog was shown on the primary screen (64)
Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdowns didn't have any border -> modify Lazarus component library (64)
Added: Search function: Save current search text before starting a search, so Lister plugins can access it (32/64)
Fixed: Splash screen: an additional icon appeared in the taskbar (64)
Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Main window focus was lost, and additional icons appeared in the taskbar (64)
Fixed: Some controls were overlapping in main configuration dialog with Windows classic theme (64)
Fixed: Maximize main window, minimize to tray, click on tray icon -> window wasn't maximized any more (64)
Fixed: Some more shortcut keys on buttons were not working, e.g. in button bar change dialog (64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow while comparing by content (64)
Fixed: Beep sound when renaming file in place -> removed (64)
Fixed: Thumbs view: Alpha blending (transparency) not handled correctly, folders look ugly (64)
Fixed: Selection with mouse in brief view not working correctly, caret sometimes shown twice (64)
Fixed: Passive mode not working with IPv6 (PreferIPv6=1 in wincmd.ini) (64)
Fixed: Let Lazarus draw the main menu bar (64)
Fixed: Tree: [+] indicator too large when using Windows classic theme (32/64)
Fixed: Custom message box (e.g. when deleting read-only files): Shift+Cursor keys was not working (64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Selection wasn't removed when switching edit mode off (64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Could no longer select text with the mouse (32/64)
Fixed: Exceptions in external C/C++ dlls (e.g. when aborting RAR unpacking) cause TC to crash (Ctrl+C hit) due to bad exception handling in free pascal (64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Button [N#-#] did not work correctly, it always returned the entire range (64)
Fixed: The sorting header did not have a separator line above it to the current path (64)
Fixed: Arrows in the sorting header (showing the sort direction) were not filled when using Windows classic theme (64)
Fixed: After switching from full to brief view or back, some files could suddenly be selected (64)
Fixed: Cursor shape changed to "Drop not allowed" when the mouse was moved just above the tabs (64)
Fixed: Main and Lister window position were restored incorrectly when the Windows task bar was on the left side (64)
Added: Show version 8 in properties of installation auto-extractor and installer (32/64)
Fixed: In some dialogs like the overwrite confirmation dialog, hotkeys for buttons were not working (64)
Fixed: CRC check dialog: The button used to jump to the next/previous error wasn't moved when resizing the dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Brief view: Name/Ext/.. headers not resized correctly when maximizing or restoring (64)
Fixed: Program started without any tabs - mode with 2 panels above each other not restored (64)
Fixed: noclose.exe/noclose64.exe wasn't included in the installer. It's used to open a command line program and keep the window open (Shift+ENTER) (32/64)
Fixed: TC didn't start on Windows 9x/ME/2000 due to a missing function -> load it dynamically (32)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack multiple dirs, each to a separate subdir -> two dots instead of one before extension (64)
Fixed: FTP: All stored passwords not protected with a master password could not be loaded (64)
Fixed: The title bar didn't show the "Beta" character in all languages (e.g. Russian) (32)
Fixed: Double click/press ENTER on file with internal association in an archive would open the file twice, both with the internal and the system association (32/64)
Fixed: By default, look for tcmatch64.dll instead of tcmatch.dll (64)
Fixed: FTPS: load libeay32.dll first, because it's used by the other OpenSSL dll -> makes sure the right dll is used (32/64)
Fixed: x64: Look for ssl dlls in subdir "64" if they couldn't be loaded from TC directory (e.g. because the 32-bit dlls are there) (64)
Fixed: Crash verifying certain wincmd.key files (Reason: error porting assembler to 64-bit) (64)
Fixed: Lister: Images not centered initially if larger than the screen (64)
Fixed: Progress dialog (file operations): ENTER key sometimes triggered Abort instead of the focused button (64)
Fixed: English help file: Section about wincmd.ini was cut off (32/64)
Fixed: Self-extracting installer: Bad progress bar (due to bug in Lazarus str function) (64)
Fixed: Lister: Scrollbars not working when viewing image files (32)
Fixed: File system, lister and content plugins: Plugin not loaded if the path contained an environment variable (64)
Fixed: With Windows basic theme (AeroGlass off), file tooltips were not completely removed if their height changed (64)
Fixed: Buttonbar: When loading new bar with OPENBAR command, the window size wasn't adjusted if the bar height changed (64)
Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: Menu breaks (continue menu at the top right) were not supported by Lazarus, added manually (64)
Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: didn't receive WM_MEASUREITEM messages, so the lines would be too small (64)
Fixed: Focus is lost for a short moment when closing the button bar configuration dialog (64)
Fixed: Search using list file: Ignore empty lines in file, they were erroneously interpreted as the location of the list file (32/64)
Fixed: Dialog box font was only 2 pixel high when choosing a different charset in Configuration - Options - Fonts for dialog boxes (64)
Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Clicking on "" button (the one without icon) went to network neighborhood instead of going to the root (only when drive dropdown list was off) (64)
Fixed: Ctrl+V in command line pasted the same string twice (64)
Fixed: Command line didn't show up on cursor right or cursor left when it was hidden via configuration (64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool / change attributes: F2 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't choose anything (64)
Fixed: Alt+F1 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't switch the drive (64)

Обновлено до версии: Total Commander 7.56a PowerPack Final + Portable

Год: 2011
ОС: Windows® XP/Vista/7
Автор сборки: SamLab
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Лекарство: key/portable
Размер: 52.83 MB
Скачать • Total Commander 7.56a PowerPack Final + Portable
Категория : Программы Автор : Admin Дата: 16.01.2011, 18:24 Просмотров : 1177
Теги: Total, Commander

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